Choreographers and choreographic assistants wanted for a participatory dance project Moving the Forum (AT)
Timeline: Autumn 2020-June 2021, kick-off meeting June 2020
„Moving the Forum“ (AT) is a participatory project at the interface between contemporary dance and the visual arts: dance artists/choreographers will work for one month with a group of participants to explore the Humboldt Forum, its content and exhibition objects, as well as related topics (e.g. history of the site, decolonization, provenance of objects, cooperation with societies of origin, restitution, global challenges and questions of the future) through the body. Three preparatory LABs, exploring methodologies and content, will prepare the teams for the process and promote exchange among the artists working on the project.
For this project we are looking for Berlin-based choreographers and choreographic assistants who would like to shape this six-month process with us.
Who: Jana Lüthje and Jo Parkes/Mobile Dance (artistic direction/curators) in cooperationwith the Humboldt Forum
For more information click here!