From 25 – 27 November 2022 we invite you to the autum school in Freiburg. The programme is set and registrations are now open!
“Connecting Communities – autumn school” is an event for people who work or want to work in the field of participatory dance or community dance. Some formats are also open to anyone interested in dance who is keen to experience dance together. Curated by the associated artists of Aktion Tanz, we can expect a weekend full of impulses as well as opportunities for exchange and networking.
Three thematic strands frame the autumn school weekend: ‘Taking care’, ‘Stepping outside’ and ‘Working local, connecting global, towards solidarity’. We will approach these themes through practical workshops, panel discussions, city tours, walks, reflection sessions and digital formats. These will be led by the associated artists and guest lecturers.
Autumn school – analogue and digital
In cooperation with the Freiburg Theatre, the E-Werk Freiburg and bewegungs-art e.V. Freiburg, we look forward to welcoming you there! All those who are unable to travel there have the opportunity to take part in the digital offerings. Participants on site can of course also attend these events. The digital offerings are included in a separate programme.
Programme in German
Programme in English
Application and registration
Click here to register
Registration is possible for all three days or for individual days. This also applies to the digital events.
In the case of parallel analogue offerings, registration for the individual event will take place on site on the day of the event.
There are no registration fees. Registrations are binding!
Please register by 31.10.2022.
For further questions about the event please contact
Information on the topics
Taking care
This thematic area deals with the idea of taking care. Who is taking care of whom? How can dance help us take care of ourselves and others? Who creates access and for whom? How can we develop ethical project structures and practices in which the goals and needs of all participants are negotiated? What spaces can allow for dissent, friction, courage and the negotiation of complex experiences while ensuring the safety of participants? How can we comfortably sustain longstanding careers in this challenging field? How can feminist participatory practice contribute to this?
Stepping outside
Stepping outside looks at a range of practices that aim to reach outwards by leaving the narrow world of dance spaces and creating encounters. Can research with the body help us open up spaces of encounter and shape them? Can working in public spaces – walks, visits, tours, workshops, open classes – support us in breaking out of our own resonant spaces where we encounter only information and ideas that reinforce our own, thus expanding the interactions in our work? Are there practices that we have developed, especially during the pandemic, that connect us and that we want to maintain?
Working locally, connecting globally, towards solidarity
In this section we interrogate global connections of local projects and question aspects of global responsibility and solidarity. How do dance artists in different countries work with their local communities? What factors influence their work and what changes has the global pandemic brought about? Where and how can we exchange expertise, experience and resources internationally and how do we shape international cooperation in times of climate crisis?