Dance & school
The thematic field of “Tanz in Schulen“ is one of the keystones of the association. It specifically focusses on quality assurance of the offers. Therefore we have developed quality frameworks for Tanz in Schulen projects that can nevertheless be applied in other contexts as well. The quality frameworks are continuously being reviewed and adjusted.
In the publication “Tanz in Schulen. Theorie und Praxis – Leitfaden zur Initiierung, Gestaltung und Optimierung tanzkünstlerischer Projekte an Schulen“ (available in German only) you can find all interesting information about the thematic field. The current quality frameworks Qualitätsrahmen (available in German only) provide important indications.
The working group for school development “Schulentwicklung“ (available in German only) deals with questions on how and if dance artistic offers could be integrated into the regular curriculum. You can get in direct contact with the speakers of the working group.