Info.Zoom – exchange, networking, faqs
get to know »tanz weit draußen«
Under this motto, we open the doors to our Info.Zoom every two months on the third Friday from 10 to 11 am. Everyone is cordially invited to find out more about the network, get to know us, ask questions and network with each other. As a young network, we are particularly interested in what concerns you when it comes to dance in rural areas and regions.
The Info.Zoom is organised alternately by the two project managers Jessica Buchholz and Pam Goroncy. Partners from the network of Aktion Tanz, Tanzregion Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, TanzSzene Baden-Württemberg, tanz.nord, fabrik Potsdam, Ponderosa, Szene 2wei und Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt also regularly take part.
Further dates this year:
15 November & 13 December 2024