Mixed abled dance
Inclusion describes the participation of every human being in culture, education and society, independent of their origin, capacities, religion, gender identity, age […]
In the field of dance and inclusion of Aktion Tanz – Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e.V. there is a focus on the inclusion of motoric, sensorial, cognitive and mental diversities in the field of contemporary dance.
The goal of each discussion about dance in inclusive contexts is to make the term itself and its mention redundant. As long as terms have to be used and discussed in order to create an equal togetherness, we are still on the way for a practiced equality and the possibility of equal participation in and with the cultural life of all human beings.
Against this background, Aktion Tanz takes on the task to co-develop, in content and practically, progressive sensitizations, expertise, methods, qualifications etc., to establish contemporary dance in its production and reception as inclusive phenomenon.
With the focus mentioned above, the AG “Mixed abled dance“ (available in German only) has developed contents, methods and structures for this project and written a position paper (available in German only) that serves as foundation for further work.